
The Finalists for 2024

Meet the Jordan Games Awards 2024 Finalists!

We are proud to reveal this year’s shortlist – you’ll find these listed below, as nominated by the industry, across the categories that were open for submissions.

The shortlist is being voted on by a judging panel made up of Jordan and MENA industry experts and the winners will be revealed on Sunday, November 10, as part of Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan (delegates attending the conference have access to the awards ceremony).

We congratulate the finalists, wish them the very best of luck, and thank everyone who took the time to nominate!

And the finalists for 2024 are…


This is an award nominated by players and industry alike, and recognises the best game to have received a full release or significant update between 2022 and 2024 – with the winner revealed on the night of the ceremony.

  • Amer: The Chase Hit and Run (Mad Hook)
  • Jackaro (Chickmania)
  • Martha EDU
  • Nida Harb 3 (Babil Games)
  • Rooftop Run (Mad Hook)
  • Trix King of Hearts Card Game (Maysalward)


This recognises any Jordan-based company that supports the domestic games development scene through the implementation and delivery of initiatives such as internships, gamejams, and more, designed to boost Jordan as a major player within the MENA region and beyond.

  • Aqaba Mobile Games Hackathon
  • Jordan Gaming Lab
  • Jordanian Strategy for E-Gaming and E-Sports (2023–27)
  • King Abdullah II Fund for Development
  • Tamatem Gaming Space
  • The App Challenge



Any Jordan-based small-scale independent games studio (individual or small team) – ideally one that has been established in the last for 24 months or less – which has made an impact on the industry through innovation, creativity and other initiatives (but has not necessarily brought a game to market yet).

  • Ambrator Games
  • Dimensions Games Studio
  • Golden Lynx
  • Green Meadow Studios
  • Jondob Games
  • Koala 4D
  • Shanab Games


An award that recognises the leading games development-related programme available from Jordan’s academic institutions, as judged by the established domestic games industry professionals.

  • Al-Balqa Applied University
  • Al Hussein Technical University (HTU)
  • Al-Hussein Bin Talal University
  • Jordan University of Science and Technology
  • King Abdullah II School of Information Technology (University of Jordan)
  • Mu’tah University
  • SAE Institute Jordan
  • Yarmouk University


This accolade is for any game pushing the boundaries of the medium through audio and/or visual accomplishments. To be eligible for this award, games must have been given a full release (or received a significant and noteworthy expansion) over the past 24 months or, as a mark of support for near-finalised projects, set for launch in 2024.

  • Amira (Jondob Games)
  • Arkan: Dawn of Knights (Babil Games)
  • Clash of Empire (Tamatem)
  • Hajwala 2 (Rababa Games)
  • Hope (Dimensions Games Studio)
  • Pro Car Driving Simulator (Mad Hook)
  • Rage of the Brave (Tamatem)
  • The Golden Era of Baghdad (Golden Lynx)


This award recognises and celebrates the most impressively implemented and strategically sustained Jordan-based esport-related team, initiative, activity, or support service of last year.

  • FATE Esports
  • Desert Fox Racing
  • Jordan Esports Federation
  • Team Secret ME
  • The Esports Management Course
  • Zain Esports


An award that celebrates the most impressive, successful, and continually strongly supported Jordan-developed social ‘live’ game, widely enjoyed by the domestic player community.

  • Baloot Royale (Babil Games)
  • Dominoes Pro (Maysalward)
  • Jackaro (Chickmania)
  • The Grand Frontier (Babil Games)
  • VIP Baloot (Tamatem)
  • Wanas (Tamatem)
Most Promising Prototype


An award that recognises the most exciting prototype or gamejam project, showcasing some of the highest potential, discovered within the Jordan games development community. Nominations are considered for this award, although the winner is selected directly by the committee of the Jordan Games Awards.

  • Amira (Jondob Games)
  • Hope (Dimensions Games Studio)
  • Manzel (Hadeel Balasmeh)
  • The Golden Era of Baghdad (Golden Lynx)
Future Star


An accolade that shines the spotlight on an individual or team who looks set to emerge as one of the most promising talents of the next generation of Jordan-based games developers.

  • Hadeel Balasmeh (Manzel)
  • Mustafa Dabaibeh (Dimensions Games Studio)
  • Mohammad Abo AlFool
  • Mumen Alhamed (Kenda AI)
  • Qasim Kaddumi (WeAstrals)


Any established Jordan-based games company (developer or publisher) that has released a game – either self-developed or assisted another developer wtih publishing support – or successfully grown an existing game, mostly during the past year, as well as expanded their business and made an impact on the local industry through innovation and creativity.

  • Babil Games
  • Chickmania
  • Mad Hook
  • Maysalward
  • Tamatem Games
Jordan Games Guru


A special award that recognises a person from the Jordan games development community who has achieved a considerable amount of success in their career and has acted as a pioneer in, and made an outstanding contribution to, the regional games space.

The Jordan Games Guru is a special award selected directly by the organisation committee of the Jordan Games Awards.


This award recognises the finest Jordan-developed games experience based on creativity, play mechanics, popularity, technological, artistic and aural achievement, innovation, audience engagement, and both critical and commercial success. To be eligible for this award, games must have been given a full release, received a significant update, or maintained substantial live ops activity, between 2022–24.

  • Grand (Shanab Games)
  • Highway Drifter: Hajwala Simulator (Mad Hook)
  • Nida Harb 3 (Babil Games)
  • Pro Car Driving Simulator (Mad Hook)
  • Rage of the Brave (Tamatem)
  • VIP Baloot (Tamatem)